What is Computer Vision Syndrome and How Can it Affect Your Health?

If you spend much time in front of a computer or digital screen, you may be at risk for Computer Vision Syndrome.

CVS can cause headaches, blurry vision, neck and shoulder pain, dry eyes, and other symptoms. It can also reduce your productivity and accuracy at the computer.


Computer Vision Syndrome, also known as Digital Eye Strain, is a cluster of visual symptoms resulting from prolonged or excessive computer screen use. These symptoms include eyestrain, dryness, irritated eyes, redness, blurred vision, and double vision.

Most CVS symptoms are temporary and go away when you stop using a digital screen, but they can worsen if not treated. This is because the strain on your eyes can lead to muscle tension in other areas of your body, including your neck, shoulders, and back.

In addition, prolonged viewing of a digital screen can cause the development of refractive errors like nearsightedness or farsightedness. These problems make it even harder for your eyes to focus on the digital screen, which can further increase symptoms of CVS.

People with uncorrected computer vision problems or poor eye coordination and focusing abilities are more likely to develop visual symptoms of CVS, such as headaches, blurred vision, and tired eyes. The best way to prevent these symptoms is by getting regular eye exams and modifying your digital screen habits.

It is also important to remember the 20-20-20 rule while working on a digital device: Look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. This will help you to refocus your eyes and rest them from the constant strain they are experiencing.


Computer Vision Syndrome is a group of symptoms when you spend too much time using a digital screen device. Symptoms include eye fatigue, headaches, blurred or double vision, dry eyes, or other visual problems.

People with uncorrected eye conditions such as farsightedness, astigmatism, or poor focusing and coordination abilities are more likely to develop computer vision syndrome. The situation is most common in those who spend two or more hours a day viewing a computer screen.

Compared to printed materials, the letters on a computer screen are often less precise and sharply defined, and the contrast between characters and the background decreases. This makes reading on a screen more difficult, especially with glare.

This strain can also increase a person’s risk for other eye ailments. It is essential to take breaks from using the computer or other devices.

A good pair of computer glasses with anti-glare coatings help reduce eye strain and improves your overall vision while you’re working. You can also try changing the glare from your light bulbs to full spectrum or low-wattage ones and adjusting your distance from the monitor.

Several factors cause Computer Vision Syndrome, including improper lighting, glare, and the distance from the computer to your eyes. The best way to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome is to be aware of these causes and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle and environment. If you continue to experience symptoms despite making the recommended changes, it is essential to get them checked out by an ophthalmologist or optometrist.


Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a group of eye problems that can develop in people who spend extended periods looking at computers and other digital screens. CVS symptoms include eye fatigue, blurred vision, dry eyes, irritated or red eyes, headache, and double vision.

While some people can use glasses to treat these symptoms, others may need a more comprehensive vision therapy program. This treatment will strengthen the neural connections between the eyes and brain to help alleviate symptoms and improve visual skills.

The specific type of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the vision problems and will be discussed with the patient in detail. Some treatment options include lubricating eye drops, special computer eyeglasses, or a vision therapy program that trains the eyes to work together better.

Another approach is to reduce the glare, brightness, or lighting on the screen and change the position of the monitor and computer. This will decrease the strain on your eyes and make it easier to work at a computer.

The length of the viewing distance from your eyes to a computer screen can also contribute to CVS since the space is much farther than for reading a book or magazine. In addition, the viewing angle on a computer screen differs from the reading angle, requiring more eye-focusing movements.


Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a group of symptoms that can develop due to prolonged exposure to digital screens. These include eye strain, blurred or double vision, headaches, neck pain, and fatigue.

CVS can occur to anyone who looks at digital devices for extended periods without breaks. However, the condition is more common in people with uncorrected vision problems.

Symptoms of CVS can be prevented by using the 20/20/20 rule – look at something at least 20 feet away from you for two minutes every 20 minutes. 

In addition to regular eye exams, you can also prevent CVS by selecting a screen with features to minimize eye stress. For example, some computer monitors use advanced light-filtering technology to keep blue lights at levels that are less harmful to your eyes.

Another way to prevent CVS is by adjusting the lighting in your workspace. Fluorescent or dim lighting can make your eyes work harder, so use natural lighting instead.

If you cannot change your habits or continue to experience CVS symptoms after making these changes, you should consult an eye doctor for additional treatment options. This can include prescription glasses or contact lenses that help decrease the impact of digital screen usage or even laser eye surgery to treat underlying visual problems.

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