If you suffer from interstitial cystitis, you need to reach out to a medical professional as quickly as possible. There is a wide range of options that could be beneficial, and one option that doctors use to prescribe is called Elmiron. This is a medication that is manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and it was intended to help people suffering from interstitial cystitis. Unfortunately, it has led to a wide variety of complications, and it has resulted in a lawsuit against the manufacturer. What do you need to know about this lawsuit? Make sure you learn more about your rights, and do not hesitate to reach out to a professional who can help you.
What Is Elmiron Supposed To Do?
Elmiron is the brand name for a medication that is classified as low molecular weight Heparin. Heparin is a blood thinner. If you have a clotting disorder that causes your blood to clot too much, your doctor may prescribe Heparin. Elmiron was initially approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1996, and doctors began prescribing it to help people who have been diagnosed with bladder problems.
A lot of doctors were excited to prescribe it because, at the time, it was the only oral medication available to treat interstitial cystitis. Unfortunately, there are also a wide variety of complications that have resulted from the medication, and doctors have since moved away from it.
What Are the Complications People Need To Know About?
In 2018, a study was published by the Emory Eye Center. It indicated that people who took this medication for a prolonged amount of time increase the risk of suffering damage to the retina. If you suffer retinal damage, you could suffer serious vision problems. This study was immediately followed up by several other studies, including a report that was published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology in 2019. This medication suggested that long-term exposure to Elmiron could result in a condition that could threaten your vision. Other reports have indicated that people who take Elmiron for a long amount of time could develop pigmentary maculopathy. This is a condition that is similar to macular degeneration, and it could result in blindness. As a result, doctors stopped prescribing it, and professionals continue to gather information.
A Lawsuit Is Filed Against Janssen Pharmaceuticals
As a result of these complications, a lawsuit was filed against Janssen Pharmaceuticals in January 2020. In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs allege that the drug produced by Elmiron can lead to serious vision problems. Furthermore, the lawsuit alleges that Janssen Pharmaceuticals either knew about the risk and withheld it from the public or should have known about the risk. The lawsuit seeks damages that compensate patients for all medical expenses stemming from complications resulting from the use of Elmiron. Meanwhile, doctors are looking for other treatment options that can help people who have been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis.
What Do You Need To Do?
Clearly, there are a number of problems that can develop from Elmiron use. Therefore, if you are still using this medication, you need to stop immediately. Then, you need to reach out to your doctor for a full evaluation. There is a chance that you may have developed vision complications, and the earlier they are diagnosed, the better your prognosis might be. Finally, it is critical for you to reach out to a legal professional who can review your case and see if you are entitled to compensation. You might be deserving of compensation that can cover medical expenses and lost income as a result of your Elmiron exposure.