What is Mediation for Divorce?


The process of mediation is a collaborative process between you and your spouse in family law Hernando County, FL. It involves the use of a mediator to resolve your disagreements. The mediator will meet with both sides to discuss the process and answer general questions. Before you decide to hire a mediator, you should review their website and make a list of questions.


The cost of divorce mediation can vary depending on the mediator and the time you need. Some mediators charge by the hour, while others charge by the meeting. This makes it impossible to calculate the exact cost of your mediation. However, a mediation session is often much more cost-effective than going through a courtroom.

A mediation session will help you resolve property division and child custody issues. However, if your spouse is willing to compromise, you may not be able to reach an agreement during mediation. If the process is unsuccessful, you may pay a high mediation fee. Fortunately, mediation fees are significantly reduced in California.

The mediator’s fee will vary based on experience and credentials. A non-attorney mediator’s fee will typically cost between $100 and $300 an hour. The fee will also depend on the location of the mediation.


The duration of divorce mediation depends on the specific issues involved. Some cases may take as little as one or two meetings, while others require a full day of mediation. A typical mediation session lasts about an hour and a half, and many mediations involve the participation of attorneys who prepare for the process in advance.

One major reason why the duration of mediation may be longer than usual is that not all issues can be resolved at the outset. Each issue takes time to introduce, explore, and resolve. As the number of issues increases, so does the time needed for the mediation process. In some cases, spouses can agree on many issues on the first day of mediation. On the other hand, some mediations get bogged down with arguments over only one or two issues.

During the initial intake, the mediator will ask both parties preliminary questions and gather information about their current situation. This will help the mediator better understand the parties and help them determine where areas of conflict exist. The mediator will also hear about the parties’ interests and priorities.


Divorce mediation is a great way to avoid a messy courtroom battle and to preserve your relationship with your spouse and children. Mediation gives you more control over the process and can save you money. The process can also speed up your divorce and reduce the caseload of the Family Court System.

Using a mediator is not as expensive as hiring a lawyer, and the process is less stressful for everyone involved. If you are worried about the cost, you can always look for an approved mediator in your area. This way, you can be sure that you will get a fair deal from your divorce.

Another benefit of divorce mediation is that it is child-friendly. Parents fighting over custody and visitation can be devastating for children. Through mediation, children are not required to testify against either parent, and a mediator can protect the children from a traumatic or violent experience.

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