Small shock-absorbing casters are designed to absorb the shock of rolling over rough surfaces. This allows the equipment to be moved without damaging it. Casters are used in industrial applications to move various equipment and machinery. They reduce the effort to move equipment and are easier to clean than standard wheels.
Reduced Shock and Vibration
Small shock absorbing casters reduce impact and vibration, making it easier for equipment to roll over uneven surfaces. This helps reduce damage to cargo and improves efficiency when transferring it across floors.
Shock-absorbing casters are ideal for many different industries. They can protect delicate equipment from impacts that otherwise harm or destroy it. They can also protect the workers who transport them. Shock-absorbing casters do not generate noise so they can be used in areas with sensitive hearing.
Reduced Body Roll
Body roll, the way your car leans to one side while driving around a corner, is a common and frustrating problem for drivers. It disrupts your focus, interferes with steering control, and makes keeping your vehicle in your desired direction difficult. Shock absorbers play an important role in limiting this effect by dampening the kinetic energy of spring and suspension movement into heat to be dissipated through the hydraulic fluid. This helps limit the directional movement of your tires on the road, which reduces tire traction.
Increased Stability
Shock absorbers are a critical part of your vehicle’s handling and ride. They impact steering, tire grip, and aerodynamic stability. If your cart or truck has a high cargo load and you want to keep its contents safe, shock-absorbing casters are an excellent option. However, be sure to choose the right casters with the right springs. Shock-absorbing casters come in several different designs. Most use a clamshell design for the legs and place a spring in between.
Reduced Wear and Tear
Using small shock absorbers on your equipment helps minimize the wear and tear of the machine. This means the machinery can last longer and require less maintenance, saving you money.
Shock absorbers are designed to last around 50,000 miles or a few years – whichever comes first. It is also important to remember that they are subject to a lot of stress during their working life, so they can easily show signs of damage and need replacing. Shock absorbers are a critical safety component that affects tire wear, stability, braking, vibration, and driver comfort. Ultimately, they can save money and help protect your passengers and drivers.
Reduced Maintenance
Maintenance is significantly reduced when you use small shock absorbers on your equipment. It may not seem like a big deal initially, but it can have huge consequences for your equipment’s quality and lifecycle.
Shock absorbers work simply – by moving fluid (hydraulic oil) back and forth through the inner piston chamber and into an outer tube, which remains under compression. Unlike oil shock absorbers, gas shock absorbers do not have an outer fluid reservoir but a floating piston separating the hydraulic oil from a high-pressure gas charge. Achieving exceptional equipment reliability is the key to lowering maintenance costs, but it’s often not the priority when cutting costs. By shifting your focus to equipment reliability, you can simultaneously cut maintenance costs and increase productivity.