The Brief Guide That Makes Automating the Payroll Process Simple


Sales, commissions, deductions, time cards, salaries, PTO, and bonuses…Oh my!

With so much to track, record, and audit, the payroll process can be overwhelming and complex. Automating your payroll process will save you time, money, and financial headaches.

If you are still processing your payroll manually, now is the time to think of automating your payroll process. It’s more simple than you may realize!

Choose a Payroll Software That Fits the Size of Your Business

Whether you are a rookie or a veteran in business ownership, finding the right employee payroll software is easy. There are many resources available that suit the needs of your specific industry.

What process takes you the longest in calculating your employee’s paycheck?

Find a payroll software program that helps you save the most time by simplifying these tedious processes for you.

Simplify Time Tracking

If you are currently using time-tracking methods to track your employees’ time, like a punch-in time clock or handwritten paper timesheets, there are other efficient and user-friendly options available. Need more info?

Online time clocks assist you in overseeing schedules, managing overtime hours, and giving accurate calculations of every minute your employee is working. You and your employees can see their weekly timesheet daily, eliminating any confusion on hours worked.

Are some of your employees regularly late? Tracking this data gives you the tools needed to evaluate their work performance and creates a sense of accountability.

You Have Everything You Need

Gather up all your employee’s HR forms. You’ll need the W-4 when you hired them, identification cards, wage deduction lists, I-9 forms, PTO hours, and direct deposit information. Once you have all this, you can set up your automated payroll.

Most of these payroll programs are easy to decipher. Simply follow instructions for inputting all the data you have been keeping in paper file folders.

No More Errors and Confusing Tax Forms

No one wants to deal with the IRS after submitting a report with errors. An automated payroll process does the hard work for you.

It totals up your employee’s hours and wages. Also, your quarterly tax report forms, like the IRS 941, automatically generate and submit electronically, saving you valuable time and effort. Payroll liabilities are also calculated and notify you when it’s time to get them paid.

End-of-year tax forms can be a massive undertaking, especially if you have several employees. Automating your payroll also allows you to generate W-2, W-3, and 1099 forms that your employees and subcontractors need to file their personal taxes.

Automate Your Payroll Process

Your business, employees, and your busy schedule will directly benefit from ending your manual payroll process and entering into the world of payroll automation.

If you are a smart business owner (and we know that you are), do yourself a favor and consider automating your payroll process right now.

To learn more business tips, check out some of our other posts.

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About Marc Wallace

I'm never too busy to share my passion. I've created this page to help people learn more about business, finance and real estate. Besides all the serious stuff, I'm also a man that values family and healthy relationships. I hope you find my content insightful.

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